A place to get away from it all and write….

Archive for the ‘writing’ Category

PR Plug

So if your looking for a quick book to read, take a look at my 2nd installment of the Twisted series!!

It’s on Amazon and if your a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read it for free!!!

Here are some tidbits!! Enjoy!!

Plan, plan….and more planning

Yes I am one of those people who live from lists.

I love them. I love creating them. I love reading them.

I also love doodling….that is why the bullet journal works for me!

And this weekend at work I was going through the one I had created not feeling good about anything I”d done and bam decided I needed a change.

I added to stop doing what everyone else is going and do what I like and what gets me.

So next week I am going to brave the internet and post my bullet journal.

I have to say that I went to Target and in their Dollar bin they have amazing products.

Stickers, journals, markers, and post it notes all ready for the fall!!! I love them. Plus I don’t have to wait for them to ship!

So get ready!! It’s going to be fun!


Bullet Journaling

Have you seen it? Heard about it? Tried it?

OMG!! I am addicted!!!

I suffer from planning, making lists, and doodling!!

This is perfect for me. I have gone through two books…I also suffer from perfection syndrome.

But I gave that up…okay I’m working on that! I have a master bullet journal and a smaller companion one!! The master one holds, my writing, personal, and workout journals. My travel journal…..well I can take my collections and lists with me.

So if your interested here are some of my favorites online….

The beginning!!!

Start here!

Now step it up a notch!!!

Boho Berry



T is for Taylor!

Even though I didn’t get to T, for the A to Z challenge, I wanted to blog about Taylor Swift. She is my all-time favorite songwriter. Now let me clarify as much as I love her she’s not my favorite singer. The girl does have a way with words. When I first started listening to her, I was sure she was going to be a one hit wonder…with “Our Song”. Let’s face it…the song was overplayed.

Then I heard Should’ve said No…and was hooked. I am a sucker for good lyrics. Her next album hit the stores and she pushed her higher into the limelight. Love Story, Fifteen, and Change were on this album. My favorite was White Horse.

Next came Sparks Fly…AWESOME ALBUM…so man hits….Back to December, Mean, Ours, Haunted, Revenge….all good. It’s a really great album.

Red was next…this was her last country album. I love the song Red, The Moment I knew, I knew you were Trouble, We are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Everything has changed.

And we are now at 1989 her all pop album and she didn’t disappoint. Shake it off, was a super fun perky song with an awesome video too.

Next came Blank Space…LOVE THE LYRICS.. It’s like any young adult book, drama, movie…all rolled into one. I mean the line, “Cus baby I’m a nightmare dressed as a daydream”…gets me every time.

We have Style, New York, New Romantics, Wildest Dreams, and the mega star video Bad Blood.

So…I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

Carry on Taylor…keep going…

N, O, P

Norah Jones, Ottis Redding, and Paul Simon are just a few of my favorites!!

Catching Fire…review

So when Catching Fire came out, I was mad at Katniss for the way she was treating Peeta, just as I was in the book. Here was a guy who put everything on the line, including his heart to fight for this chick. A chick who makes it clear that she can take care of herself.

I was pissed that the game maker had decided to do another hunger games with the victors. Talk about a slap in the face. It was brutal and mean. I understand the logic behind President Snow, he wanted to get rid of her, but had to be tactful about it. Killing her would just piss off a bunch of people. So why not make a game of it.

That’s what he did. But again there were plans at play that he didn’t know about. He was outsmarted again and Katniss was freed and Peeta sacrificed to the Capital. Anyone knows that in any great love story there will be a plot twists that keep us on our toes.

What I would like to point out is that even thought I had read the book and knew what was going to happen, I was still shocked to see it played out. It hit another part of my psyche. If a book made movie is done right it will illicit this kind of response.

So when the ending credits ran, I was again anxious to see the next installments.


Every hear something or read something on Facebook that hits you right in the gut and makes you think that you’re not good enough. It’s that small voice of doubt that gets louder and louder as the day goes by. If you are like me, it debilitates you. I come home from my day job and instead of working out or writing, I go to bed. Why? Because I don’t think my story should be heard. It’s not real, it’s made up and at times boring. I know as a writer I shouldn’t say that my own writing is boring. It’s just how I feel.

I know that it’s not true. I envy those people that can write whatever they wish and put it out there for the world to see. I know that I can overcome these feelings of doubt, but don’t. It’s not that I like to self loathe, just sometimes it’s comforting. Does that make sense?

I need to kick this habit in the butt!

I really do.

So do you!

I know you want your writing to move forward and sitting or lying around in my case is NOT helping the situation. I need to be proactive. I need to grab the day by its balls and fight for what I want. What do I want? I want to be a successful writer. How do I define success? Easy I want at least 5000 people to read my book and 20 reviews.

I’m almost there….if I count the freebies….I want to make people laugh, get mad, and most of all I want people to read my stories

So….what’s my game plan?

I don’t know yet…but I will let you know when I do.

Friends are Golden

If I didn’t have the friends I did, I wouldn’t be here. I know it. There are those few that I can call on no matter what’s going on, they will drop everything to lend an ear. I do the same for them.

There are friends that just take you away from the reality of the world and make you realize how good you have it. They make you laugh and say stupid stuff. They get you and never judge.

There are those people that you can’t wait to see to tell things too on a daily basis!

Friends are awesome, I hope you have some peeps like this!

It’s Finally Here!!!

National Novel Writing Month is upon us. It snuck up in the middle of the night with ideas galore.

Now to buckle down and write. I will report back each day on my progress. Goal for today 1,666 words. I have 47 written thus far.

Let the words start flowing!!


Flash Fiction Points!!!

So I participated int he NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Contest again. It’s so much fun!! I love it!! It pushes you to think outside of the box and sometimes you get a good story. Now if your like my fellow writer friend, Meagan Hart, you have mastered the short stories!!  Please see her page below.


She’s missed all but one point in her group. She’s fierce and I hear she’s coming out with a book of haunting tales just in time for Halloween!!!

But here’s the Story I submitted and it earned me 9 points out of 15!!!


Six Pack Abs: Not Your Mother’s Fairytale


Emma Lou rides her bicycle to her grandmother’s house to deliver her dinner. On her way she runs into an ex-boyfriend and is almost ran off the road. But the real surprise is waiting for her at her grandmother’s house.

The long winding street lay out in front of Emma Lou like an asphalt river. She needed to navigate the fastest route to her grandmothers before nightfall. No one wanted to be out here at night. Bad things happened at night. In the city. In the ghetto.

After determining the quickest way to her grandma’s house via her smart phone, she started on her way. On her way she passed brightly colored shops and flamboyant men and women on the streets. San Fran was full of main characters.

Ten minutes later she was staring down a steep drop in the road.

“Damn hills,” she muttered as she positioned her pack before pushing off.

Cool air whipped her hair around as she coasted down the steep decline, careful not to slam on her breaks. She didn’t want to be wearing her mom’s warm famous spaghetti and meatballs.

Gliding to a stop at the end of the street, Emma Lou paused and frowned up at the dark gray clouds barreling overhead like a bad omen. She pulled up the red hood of her jacket and continued on her way.

Rain began to fall convincing her to stop under an awning that was in front of a bar. A bar she use to sneak into with her ex-boyfriend, Hunter.

“Fancy meeting you here.” A male voice said and Emma Lou turned to see Hunter smiling at her. His hood was pulled up as well and he was holding a skateboard.

“What do you want?” she said wishing the rain would stop so she could leave. This was not how she intended to spend her Sunday evening.

“I am assuming the same as you.” He said and glanced at my back pack.


“That your mom’s famous spaghetti?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she muttered and pulled her bag closer.

“You headed to your grandma’s again aren’t you?”

“Are you stalking me?” Emma asked turning to glare at him, but he was already gone.

The rain had slowed and just as she took off, she noticed a man with a thick beard and mustache pass her on a moped almost knocking her off her bike. She flipped him the bird before continuing on her way.

She arrived at Peterson and Son’s Funeral Home and leaned her bike up against the stairs and wrapped her padlock around the middle bar. The moped that almost ran her off the road was parked a little ways down next to hearse. Now she felt bad. Maybe the wolf-man was on his way to a funeral or something.  She took the metal stairs up to her grandmother’s one bedroom apartment above the funeral home, wondering if she had received the letter she’d sent about her not going to college. If she had, then Emma would be in for an ear full.

When she reached the top of the landing, she noticed that her grandma’s backdoor was slightly open. Maybe she had forgotten to close it or something, Emma thought as she pushed through the door.

“Grandma are you here?”

“In the bedroom,” came a muffled voice and she calmed her nerves and began to unpack. When Emma had finished setting the table and grandma hadn’t joined her, she wandered into the bedroom. The lights were off and Emma stopped herself from turning them on.

“Gram’s the table’s set.”

“Not hungry.” She said, her voice still muffled like she was facing the pillow or something.

“That’s not going to happen, mama spent all day making you her famous meatballs.” She said and flipped on the light illuminating her grandmother lying in bed with the wolf-man.

“What’s going on?” she shrieked.

“Nothing dear,” her grandmother said and sat up pulling the covers around her. “We were just talking.”

“Uh huh, I’ll leave you…two…alone.” Emma said shutting the door and returning to the living room in a daze.

A knock on the door pulled her from the images of her grandmother’s bare shoulders and the wolf-man’s red face.

She opened the door and Hunter was standing in front of her.

“I thought you could use some dessert.” He said and lifted up a quart of ice cream.

“You have no idea.” Emma said and pulled him inside and went to the kitchen and grabbed two spoons then led Hunter out to front balcony.

“I thought you were going to have dinner?”

“That was before I caught my grandmother having sex with the wolf-man.”

“What!” Hunter laughed and she joined him a few seconds later.

“It’s not funny!”

“But it is. Your grandma…she’s a wild cat.” Hunter said smiling over at Emma.

“Thanks for rescuing me. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” He said.

“Emma, dear are you still here?” called grandma and joined  Emma and Hunter a few minutes later.

“We decided to have desert first.” Emma said and her grandmother smiled at her and invited Hunter over for dinner.

“Where’s your friend?”

“Oh dearie, he’s gone, you frightened him away. No worries he’ll be back.”

“Grandma,” Emma said wishing she had left.

“Oh honey, just because he looks like a wolf doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.”

“Your “wolf” almost knocked me off my bike on the way over here to see you.” Emma added.

“I’m sure he’s a nice man.” Hunter said.

“No, no he’s not, but there are other reasons he visits me.”

“Grandma, please were eating.”

Grandma filled her plate and sat back to eat.

“Emma, if there’s one thing I teach you in this life, it’s never to judge a book by its cover. There might be a set of six pack abs under all that