A place to get away from it all and write….

Archive for the ‘doubt’ Category

I’m Back!!

Self published book 2…Twisted Desire, finished draft of A Girl from Thailand….and working on my dystopian novel, Frost.

Busy busy…what about you?


Every hear something or read something on Facebook that hits you right in the gut and makes you think that you’re not good enough. It’s that small voice of doubt that gets louder and louder as the day goes by. If you are like me, it debilitates you. I come home from my day job and instead of working out or writing, I go to bed. Why? Because I don’t think my story should be heard. It’s not real, it’s made up and at times boring. I know as a writer I shouldn’t say that my own writing is boring. It’s just how I feel.

I know that it’s not true. I envy those people that can write whatever they wish and put it out there for the world to see. I know that I can overcome these feelings of doubt, but don’t. It’s not that I like to self loathe, just sometimes it’s comforting. Does that make sense?

I need to kick this habit in the butt!

I really do.

So do you!

I know you want your writing to move forward and sitting or lying around in my case is NOT helping the situation. I need to be proactive. I need to grab the day by its balls and fight for what I want. What do I want? I want to be a successful writer. How do I define success? Easy I want at least 5000 people to read my book and 20 reviews.

I’m almost there….if I count the freebies….I want to make people laugh, get mad, and most of all I want people to read my stories

So….what’s my game plan?

I don’t know yet…but I will let you know when I do.