A place to get away from it all and write….

Baby Boom

Talk about a baby boom! I know about nine ladies who have had babies on my facebook feed! It’s awesome to see how each mother prepares for their new bundle of joy and what they choose to share with the world.

There were a lot of sonogram photos and 3-d images that make me leery of having children….I mean have you looked at one of those things…they are a tad bit creepy. At least they are to me. I’m sure if I ever decide to have a kiddo, I’ll love the one I get….but seriously though. What if they did one of those and spotted an alien or something. CRAZY… okay…enough about that.

I have kept track of all the adorable names that are now going to grace classrooms in about five years or so….

Paxton, Declan, Ashton, Skylar, Marlon Jr., Shayden, Gunnar, Drew, Olivia, and Nora. Wow that’s a lot. Do you like the names? I do!

I can’t wait to see pics of these little people growing up!! If I have a kid I would name the boy Abner Wilson…I don’t know why. And Ruth Alice…so I can call the kid Ruthless…LOL

Okay….so that’s all for now.

Comments on: "Baby Boom" (2)

  1. I like “Nora” and “Olivia.” I’ve always liked more “traditional” or “old-fashioned” names. I keep saying that if I ever have a kid, I’m going to name him Peter after my great-grandfather.

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