A place to get away from it all and write….

Archive for December, 2015

So what happened in 2015?

Hmmmm….good question.

I finished my Masters of Arts in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing (Fiction).

I lost my dog of ten years….(she was a rescue dog when I got her and they assume she was at least two or three).

No promotions.

I lost my cat Sebastian….he was a hand me down cat…good times, minus him peeing on the floor…

I self-published my first novel, Twisted Proposal in August….how cool is that!!!

No Vacations

I lost some weight….not as much as I want….it goes back to that motivation thing.

The Hunger Games ended…booo…but I heard they are going to be doing some prequel stuff. Please don’t….that’s all I have to say about that.

Oh and currently I know ten women that are preggo…its crazy!

So….that’s a wrap for now. I can’t wait to see what 2016 has to bring….

Stress Eating

The other day after a heated argument between my partner and I, I found myself sitting on the couch eating a Coconut cream pie. Yes the pie, I didn’t bother with cutting just one piece, but literally y popped the top off of the pie and grabbed a fork. It was open season. Poor pie, I killed it. It wasn’t until my partner removed the pie tin from my hands that I felt the reality of my situation. For one my stomach hurt and then there’s all that sugar….talk about a sugar high. More like a sugar headache for me.  I went to bed and stayed there for the rest of the night.

Why did I do that?

Emotional eating. I was in distress due to the argument and it wasn’t even over anything bad. Good lord if it were something serious I am pretty sure Jack n the Box would have my life savings.

But the point of this post is that emotional eating is a real thing and I have it…errr do it…

So …..I guess I need to work on that…


Every hear something or read something on Facebook that hits you right in the gut and makes you think that you’re not good enough. It’s that small voice of doubt that gets louder and louder as the day goes by. If you are like me, it debilitates you. I come home from my day job and instead of working out or writing, I go to bed. Why? Because I don’t think my story should be heard. It’s not real, it’s made up and at times boring. I know as a writer I shouldn’t say that my own writing is boring. It’s just how I feel.

I know that it’s not true. I envy those people that can write whatever they wish and put it out there for the world to see. I know that I can overcome these feelings of doubt, but don’t. It’s not that I like to self loathe, just sometimes it’s comforting. Does that make sense?

I need to kick this habit in the butt!

I really do.

So do you!

I know you want your writing to move forward and sitting or lying around in my case is NOT helping the situation. I need to be proactive. I need to grab the day by its balls and fight for what I want. What do I want? I want to be a successful writer. How do I define success? Easy I want at least 5000 people to read my book and 20 reviews.

I’m almost there….if I count the freebies….I want to make people laugh, get mad, and most of all I want people to read my stories

So….what’s my game plan?

I don’t know yet…but I will let you know when I do.

New Obsession

Okay so this is a off topic post about my new obsession. It’s an app called Wish. It’s an online store with all sorts of stuff for real cheap. It’s cheap in most part because it’s from overseas. So far I have gotten two shirts, a pack of pens, a dolphin bracelet, and a cute owl bag.

So only one of the shirts didn’t fit. But the clothes in Asia run smaller than in the US. Let’s face it, people are bigger here, I blame the food…lol.

I am waiting for the rest of this to arrive.

Fake nails

Purse organizer

Owl Drawstring bag


Cargo shorts



Tree Necklace

Fashion Pens

Fountain Pens


Owl Notepad

Day Planner

Canvas Bag

Sticker Pen

Coin Purse

Post it Notes

Sticker Post its

Turtle Neck


Iphone Case

Syringe Pens (for a nurse friend)

Bone Pens (For a nurse friend)

Colored Pencils

Coloring Book

Fingerless Gloves

Long Sleeve Shirt



See I’m obsessed….uggghhhh…So I think I am deleting the app…..now…..yep….

Friends are Golden

If I didn’t have the friends I did, I wouldn’t be here. I know it. There are those few that I can call on no matter what’s going on, they will drop everything to lend an ear. I do the same for them.

There are friends that just take you away from the reality of the world and make you realize how good you have it. They make you laugh and say stupid stuff. They get you and never judge.

There are those people that you can’t wait to see to tell things too on a daily basis!

Friends are awesome, I hope you have some peeps like this!

Missing You!

This past month I had to make the tough decision to put down my dog. To most people this isn’t a big deal, but to me its epic. I’ve had Baby for over ten years. She was the light of my lifr. She lnee just how to cheer me up. Whether it be lying on her back exposing her big belly, or rolling around in the grass. Gosh, I miss ger so mich. 

The common response I get is , “Why don’t you get another dog?” It pisses me off. I can’t iust go get another dog. This “dog” that I had to lay to rest was a family member! She greeted me with a tail wag, smile, and wet kiss when Inwalked through the door. She tried to help me do yoga and often times took me on walks. Its just nost that easy to “get another dog”. 

O’m sure someday I’ll enetettain the idea, but not now. Right now I miss my dog!!!