A place to get away from it all and write….

Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

Bullet Journaling

Have you seen it? Heard about it? Tried it?

OMG!! I am addicted!!!

I suffer from planning, making lists, and doodling!!

This is perfect for me. I have gone through two books…I also suffer from perfection syndrome.

But I gave that up…okay I’m working on that! I have a master bullet journal and a smaller companion one!! The master one holds, my writing, personal, and workout journals. My travel journal…..well I can take my collections and lists with me.

So if your interested here are some of my favorites online….

The beginning!!!

Start here!

Now step it up a notch!!!

Boho Berry



Red Queen Review

When I first pick the book up I wasn’t impressed. It reminded me of Cinder and how it started.

Both books were slow to start…but when it picked up …it really picked up.

Such a great book@ The author had a way of taking me into her world and filling my mind with new ideas. I am working on my first elemental fantasy book. I will keep you posted.

So back to the great book. It centers around a girl who finds out she’s special….I”m not going to give it away….but in the world where Mare lives, everything depends on the color of blood that pulses through your veins.

Those that have silver blood are powerful, rich, mean, and scary. This is where I thought my brain was going to explode with he different types of silvers. It’s almost too much.  There are so many different types of silver to keep track of!! I loved it and hated it at the same time.

Overall, I think the characters are believable and real, the twists and turns were right up there. I loved it1!!

You should take a read!! Now onto Delirium….

Take a peek!!!

I’m Back!!

Self published book 2…Twisted Desire, finished draft of A Girl from Thailand….and working on my dystopian novel, Frost.

Busy busy…what about you?

T is for Taylor!

Even though I didn’t get to T, for the A to Z challenge, I wanted to blog about Taylor Swift. She is my all-time favorite songwriter. Now let me clarify as much as I love her she’s not my favorite singer. The girl does have a way with words. When I first started listening to her, I was sure she was going to be a one hit wonder…with “Our Song”. Let’s face it…the song was overplayed.

Then I heard Should’ve said No…and was hooked. I am a sucker for good lyrics. Her next album hit the stores and she pushed her higher into the limelight. Love Story, Fifteen, and Change were on this album. My favorite was White Horse.

Next came Sparks Fly…AWESOME ALBUM…so man hits….Back to December, Mean, Ours, Haunted, Revenge….all good. It’s a really great album.

Red was next…this was her last country album. I love the song Red, The Moment I knew, I knew you were Trouble, We are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Everything has changed.

And we are now at 1989 her all pop album and she didn’t disappoint. Shake it off, was a super fun perky song with an awesome video too.

Next came Blank Space…LOVE THE LYRICS.. It’s like any young adult book, drama, movie…all rolled into one. I mean the line, “Cus baby I’m a nightmare dressed as a daydream”…gets me every time.

We have Style, New York, New Romantics, Wildest Dreams, and the mega star video Bad Blood.

So…I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

Carry on Taylor…keep going…

Baby Boom

Talk about a baby boom! I know about nine ladies who have had babies on my facebook feed! It’s awesome to see how each mother prepares for their new bundle of joy and what they choose to share with the world.

There were a lot of sonogram photos and 3-d images that make me leery of having children….I mean have you looked at one of those things…they are a tad bit creepy. At least they are to me. I’m sure if I ever decide to have a kiddo, I’ll love the one I get….but seriously though. What if they did one of those and spotted an alien or something. CRAZY… okay…enough about that.

I have kept track of all the adorable names that are now going to grace classrooms in about five years or so….

Paxton, Declan, Ashton, Skylar, Marlon Jr., Shayden, Gunnar, Drew, Olivia, and Nora. Wow that’s a lot. Do you like the names? I do!

I can’t wait to see pics of these little people growing up!! If I have a kid I would name the boy Abner Wilson…I don’t know why. And Ruth Alice…so I can call the kid Ruthless…LOL

Okay….so that’s all for now.

N, O, P

Norah Jones, Ottis Redding, and Paul Simon are just a few of my favorites!!

F is for FOO!!!

Time is of the essence, I have another 12 hour shift at work tomorrow.

So here’s my favorite F artist FOO FIGHTERS!!!


C is for Cole


One of my all-time favorite artists is …drumroll….Cole Porter!! I bet you though I was going to say Carrie Underwood, Coldplay, or even Cher. Now don’t get me wrong these are wonderful singers and songwriters. But Cole Porter is the Top of my C’s.

His music has touched the hearts and lives of many via his musicals and instrumental ensembles. What gets me are his lyrics. They are so witty and clever and way ahead of his time!  His spotlight started to shin in the 1930’s. So without further ado….enjoy!!

My all-time favorite!!

The night is young, the skies are clear
So if you want to go walking, dear,
It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely.
I understand the reason why
You’re sentimental, ’cause so am I,
It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely.
You can tell at a glance
What a swell night this is for romance,
You can hear dear Mother Nature
Murmuring low,
“Let yourself go!”
So please be sweet, my chickadee,
And when I kiss you, just say to me,
“It’s delightful, it’s delicious,
It’s delectable, it’s delirious,
It’s dilemma, it’s delimit, it’s deluxe,
It’s de-lovely”.

I feel a sudden urge to sing
The kind of ditty that invokes the spring.

I’ll control my desire to curse
While you crucify the verse.

This verse I started seems to me
The Tin-Pantithesis of a melody,

So spare us all the pain,
Just skip the darn thing and sing the refrain…

Mi, mi, mi, mi,
Re, re, re, re,
Do, sol, mi, do, la, si.

The night is young, the skies are clear
So if you want to go walking, dear,
It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely.
I understand the reason why
You’re sentimental, ’cause so am I,
It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely.
You can tell at a glance
What a swell night this is for romance,
You can hear dear Mother Nature
Murmuring low,
“Let yourself go!”

So please be sweet, my chickadee,
And when I kiss you, just say to me,
“It’s delightful, it’s delicious,
It’s…It’s de-lovely”.

A for Adele

Adele busted into the music industry in 2008 and has been churning out soulful chart toping hits over the last eight years. She has been the butt of many jokes and parodys of her music, but does she let this get to her? Nope. She pushes through and stands her ground. She is a strong woman and a role model for artists. For me, her music embodies the dark and haunting feelings I keep to myself.

Also I love her voice, it’s so haunting and I know I am not the only one who belts out her music while alone in the car, or in the shower. How could you not?

So here are a few of my favorites!!


A to Z Challenge: Accepted

Boom Chicka Boom!!

This year I will be focusing on my favorite musicians. My posts will be short and sweet. So it might include music videos or even lyrics. I hope you enjoy feel free to comment with suggestions of new music!!