A place to get away from it all and write….

Archive for the ‘leashes’ Category

Checking In!!

Good Read Reviews

OMGosh, so I had forgotten that I had a goodreads page sand turns out that I have 14 ratings!!!!! How cool is that!!!

I have 12 ratings on Amazon!!

Thank you if any of you reading wrote me a review!! Good or bad. it’s important that you took the time out of your schedules to read something I wrote. It’s very cool!!!

In other news I have decide to try and train my cat to walk outside on a harness…he’s now moving more than a few inches at a time. So I take this as progress.

I will post pics later.

Today I am focusing on getting everything ready for the upcoming week.

I am working on a small giveaway for my readers. Three gift cards to be exact. How cool is that?

Also I have been working on book 2 in the Twisted series and lined up an editor for the Girl in Bangkok!! Things are picking up.

What are you doing this weekend?