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Archive for the ‘Native Americans’ Category

The Revenant, a review

If Leo doesn’t get an academy award for this movie, I’m done with Hollywood. This movie brought me back to the same time that I watched Dances with Wolves, with Kevin Costner. Couple in the vicious raw video footage of….a gruesome bear attack. It’s so intense, but well shot.

It was gritty in all the right places and reminded me again of what the human body is capable of if the will is strong enough. It was also a harsh reminder of the strain relationships between the Native Americans and the white man.

Even though I am thankful for everything I have, a house I rent, the job I loathe, the car that I pay too much for….but all of it…all of it wouldn’t have been possible if the Europeans didn’t lay the framework. I can’t help but wonder if our world wouldn’t be where it is now if instead of killing the Native Americans and Bison, if the Europeans, Spaniards, and whoever else tromped onto America’s soil would have found a way to be friends.. What would have happened if we would have co-existed? Would there be millions of years left? Enough food to go around? Less crime? Less…hatred? This lingered in the back of my head, but it came and went as the movie played out on the screen.

When the credits rolled I was left with the same feeling as Inception. I didn’t know what to think. The one feeling I remember was a strong sense of depression. Depression in that the main characters plight was met with…such bitter sweetness. You’ll know what I mean if you’ve seen it.

It’s a great movie!! I grimaced, felt like crying, gawked at the ceiling, and felt sick. I love movies that take me on a wild ride and like I said at the beginning, he had better win an Oscar.